Stories of Recovery | Alcoholism, Addiction & 12 Step Spirituality

Un pódcast de MARR Addiction Treatment Centers


90 Episodo

  1. Recovery Basics for Family Members

    Publicado: 2/3/2021
  2. Making Meth for the Hell's Angels

    Publicado: 2/2/2021
  3. My Family's Boundaries Got Me Into Treatment

    Publicado: 5/1/2021
  4. Everything at MARR Was Practice for Life After

    Publicado: 7/12/2020
  5. The Shame I Couldn't Talk About

    Publicado: 10/11/2020
  6. What a Non-Addict Learned from People in Recovery

    Publicado: 13/10/2020
  7. How I Learned to Stop Enabling and Start Helping

    Publicado: 29/9/2020
  8. The Doctor Who Wanted to Die

    Publicado: 15/9/2020
  9. I Had an Opiate Addiction but I Thought I Could Drink

    Publicado: 1/9/2020
  10. Gratitude and Resentment Can't Exist at the Same Time

    Publicado: 18/8/2020
  11. I'm Going to Keep It Raw

    Publicado: 17/7/2020
  12. The Pastor Addicted to Pills, Booze, and Applause

    Publicado: 14/7/2020
  13. The Fear You Are Feeling Is Real

    Publicado: 29/6/2020
  14. Enough Dope to Kill a Baseball Team

    Publicado: 16/6/2020
  15. How I Learned Self-Acceptance

    Publicado: 21/5/2020
  16. A Scholarship Helped Me Come Back

    Publicado: 5/5/2020
  17. How a Parent's Addiction Can Affect the Children

    Publicado: 7/4/2020
  18. Prayer and Connection During COVID-19

    Publicado: 26/3/2020
  19. The Risks of Vaping

    Publicado: 3/3/2020
  20. How Do I Know if I'm an Alcoholic?

    Publicado: 3/3/2020

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Gripping, raw, and honest firsthand accounts of the desperation of alcoholism, drug addiction, and codependency, along with the moving recollections of the hope, connection, and peace found through the miracle of 12 Step Recovery. Produced by MARR Addiction Treatment Centers, a non-profit treatment facility founded in 1975 in Atlanta, GA.

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