What is The Future for Cities?
Un pódcast de Fanni Melles
357 Episodo
093I_Jeni Paay, professor of human-computer interaction design and the leader of Centre for Design Innovation at Swinburne University of Technology
Publicado: 16/11/2022 -
092R_The city as an urban interaction design platform (book chapter summary)
Publicado: 14/11/2022 -
091R_The political premises of contemporary urban concepts: the global city, the sustainable city, the resilient city, the creative city, and the smart city (research summary)
Publicado: 7/11/2022 -
090I_Matthew McCartney, professor of development economics and researcher at the Charter Cities Institute
Publicado: 2/11/2022 -
089R_African Railways could go bankrupt but this is not necessarily a bad thing & It will be the best of times, it will be worst of times: thinking about contemporary African railway mania (summary)
Publicado: 31/10/2022 -
088R_The costs ad benefits of environmental sustainability (research summary)
Publicado: 24/10/2022 -
087I_Paul Brookbanks, principal landscape architect at Spiire
Publicado: 19/10/2022 -
086R_Advancing landscape sustainability science: theoretical foundation and synergies with innovation in methodology, design and application (research summary)
Publicado: 17/10/2022 -
085R_Stigmergy in human practice: Coordination in construction work (research summary)
Publicado: 10/10/2022 -
084I_Jacek Urbanowicz, an architect at COX Architecture and co-founder of Tunarch.org
Publicado: 6/10/2022 -
083R_Operationalising a concept: The systematic review of composite indicator building for measuring community disaster resilience (research summary)
Publicado: 3/10/2022 -
084I_Trailer_084I_Jacek Urbanowicz, an architect at COX Architecture and co-founder of Tunarch.org
Publicado: 28/9/2022 -
082R_Beyond defining the smart city – Meeting top-down and bottom-up approaches in the middle (research summary)
Publicado: 26/9/2022 -
081I_Nataly Arevalo, environmental designer, urban researcher, and lecturer
Publicado: 21/9/2022 -
080R_Functionality between the size and indicators of smart cities: A research challenge with policy implications (research summary)
Publicado: 19/9/2022 -
079B_#1 Birthday Special - summary of the WTF's first year
Publicado: 11/9/2022 -
078I_Ammon Beyerle, participatory architect, urban design theorist, and teacher
Publicado: 7/9/2022 -
077R_Steering into the Skid – Arbitraging human and artificial intelligences to augment the design process (research summary)
Publicado: 5/9/2022 -
076R_Smart innovative cities: The impact of smart city policies on urban innovation (research summary)
Publicado: 29/8/2022 -
075I_Gavin Cotterill, consulting director of the Cohesive Group's Asia Pacific Digital Practice and co-chair of the Smart Cities Council Digital Twin Task group
Publicado: 24/8/2022
WTF for Cities? is a platform to introduce and connect people who are actively and consciously working on the future of cities and to introduce research about the future of cities.