114I_Kelly Boucher, a scholar, education consultant and breakthrough coach

What is The Future for Cities? - Un pódcast de Fanni Melles

Are you interested in pedagogy as the agency of teaching and learning? What do you think about radical relearning about how we interact with our environment? How can we learn from children? Stay tuned for the answers from Kelly Boucher! Interview with Kelly Boucher, a scholar, education consultant and breakthrough coach. We talk about her vision for the future of cities, pedagogy, radical relearning, the need to slow down, and many more. Kelly Boucher is an independent scholar, education consultant and a personal breakthrough coach. She helps organisations across the education sector activate collective critical dialogue to ‘think otherwise with the world’. By facilitating robust exchanges within theory and practice, Kelly nurtures and develops research culture within education settings. This in turn helps teachers reconceptualise what teaching and learning could be. Kelly’s recent publications focus on place and materials as relational learning opportunities for children. In 2019 her work was cited as a best practice scenario for children’s learning by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Her book chapters Radical Collaboration: Flipping the Paradigm on Learning; (2021) and Radical Trust: Attending and Attuning to The World (2022) are Amazon #1 International Bestsellers. In the personal coaching space, she supports individuals (teachers or otherwise) to transform their everyday lives from burnt out to joyful by becoming curious life-long learners and active citizens of the now. Kelly thinks with concepts, lives slowly on Dja Dja Wurrung country and is cultivating her own inner ecology next to a huge eucalyptus tree. You can find out more about Kelly through these links: Kelly Boucher on LinkedIn; @BoucherArts as Kelly Boucher on Twitter; Kelly Boucher website; Kelly Boucher's e-book for your use; Dialogues with Materials with Kelly Boucher at Reggio Emilia Australia; How to get through it - Leunig Cartoon (facebook link) mentioned in the discussion; What is pedagogy?; Unruly Racoons; Wild City; What wast the most interesting part for you? What questions did arise for you? Let me know on Twitter @WTF4Cities or on the wtf4cities.com website where the shownotes are also available. I hope this was an interesting episode for you and thanks for tuning in. Music by Lesfm from Pixabay

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