Pave It Black: The Official Podcast of NAPA

Un pódcast de National Asphalt Pavement Association - Martes


69 Episodo

  1. Electric Roads

    Publicado: 30/4/2024
  2. Industry Standards

    Publicado: 23/4/2024
  3. NAPA's Advocacy Arm

    Publicado: 26/3/2024
  4. Low Carbon Construction Materials

    Publicado: 12/3/2024

    Publicado: 5/3/2024
  6. Balanced Mix Design

    Publicado: 27/2/2024
  7. Pave It Black Live!

    Publicado: 20/2/2024
  8. Women of Asphalt

    Publicado: 5/6/2023
  9. The Fast Forward Button

    Publicado: 23/5/2023
  10. Ensuring Resilience Beyond Infrastructure

    Publicado: 8/5/2023
  11. Accelerating Asphalt Research

    Publicado: 24/4/2023
  12. Watch For Us

    Publicado: 10/4/2023
  13. The Asphalt Industry's Highest Award

    Publicado: 27/3/2023
  14. Partnering on Workforce

    Publicado: 13/3/2023
  15. Closer Look: NAPA's Ray Brown Airport Award

    Publicado: 27/2/2023
  16. Developing Relationships

    Publicado: 6/2/2023
  17. Environmentally Preferred Asphalt Pavements

    Publicado: 23/1/2023
  18. En Route and Engaged

    Publicado: 12/9/2022
  19. Construction Sector Sustainability

    Publicado: 29/8/2022
  20. Questions on Energy

    Publicado: 15/8/2022

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Pave It Black is the official podcast of the National Asphalt Pavement Association. Since 2020, NAPA's Richard Willis and Brett Williams have sparked conversations about the people, issues, and technologies that drive the asphalt pavement industry forward. Stay tuned for Season 7: Conversations from the Capitol! Coming soon to all streaming platforms.

Visit the podcast's native language site