NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development

Un pódcast de CRD, NAR education for real estate agents - Martes


99 Episodo

  1. 059: Service and Emotional Support Animals with Cynthia DeLuca

    Publicado: 3/8/2021
  2. 058: Sustainability for Home and Health with Melisa Camp

    Publicado: 7/7/2021
  3. 057: Financial Planners, Insurance, and REALTORS ® with Rich Arzaga

    Publicado: 22/6/2021
  4. 056: Residential Real Estate Disclosures with Bruce Aydt

    Publicado: 1/6/2021
  5. 055: Learning, Networking, and Leading with Associations with Adorna Carroll

    Publicado: 3/5/2021
  6. 054: Affordable Housing and How to Participate with William Baylor

    Publicado: 5/4/2021
  7. 053: Photography & Selling Houses Sight Unseen with Brian Copeland

    Publicado: 22/3/2021
  8. 052: Improving the Appraisal Process with Candy Cooke

    Publicado: 1/3/2021
  9. 051: Winning Multiple Offer Deals with Dale Chumbley

    Publicado: 1/2/2021
  10. 050: Cybersecurity for every REALTOR® with Juanita McDowell

    Publicado: 4/1/2021
  11. 049: Introducing NAR Academy at Columbia College with Marc Gould and Raj Sachdev

    Publicado: 7/12/2020
  12. 048: Ensuring Fair Housing for All with NAR’s Bryan Greene

    Publicado: 2/11/2020
  13. 047: Elevating Your Brand with Social Media with Katie Lance

    Publicado: 19/10/2020
  14. 046: Lead Generation through Relationships with Sean Carpenter

    Publicado: 5/10/2020
  15. 045: Understanding the Mortgage Process with Michael “Smit” Smith

    Publicado: 21/9/2020
  16. 044: Safety Tips for REALTORS® with Donny Allen

    Publicado: 1/9/2020
  17. 043: Building Better Community Connections with Aaron Masliansky

    Publicado: 3/8/2020
  18. 042: Talking Data with NAR's Jessica Lautz

    Publicado: 6/7/2020
  19. 041: The Future of Digital Closings with Marvin Stone

    Publicado: 1/6/2020
  20. 040: Financial Considerations for You and Your Clients with Ryan Bokros

    Publicado: 18/5/2020

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NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development podcast focuses on education in the real estate industry and is hosted by Monica Neubauer, an award-winning industry leader, speaker, and instructor based in Nashville, TN. The podcast discusses formal and informal sources of industry knowledge, including NAR education and credential programs. This podcast is for REALTORS®, REALTOR® associations, real estate and allied professionals, real estate educators, education providers such as schools, and consumers.

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