NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development

Un pódcast de CRD, NAR education for real estate agents - Martes


99 Episodo

  1. 078: Hospitality Tips for the Holidays and Beyond with Christine Hansen

    Publicado: 20/12/2022
  2. 077: Personal Wellness with Christine Hansen

    Publicado: 6/12/2022
  3. 076: YouTube Video Marketing and More with Antoine Dupont

    Publicado: 7/11/2022
  4. 075: Sharing insight into the Latinx community with Gonzalo Mejia

    Publicado: 7/10/2022
  5. 074: REALTOR® Safety Tips with Tracey Hawkins

    Publicado: 6/9/2022
  6. 073: The Shifting Real Estate Market with Leigh Brown

    Publicado: 2/8/2022
  7. 072: Best Practices for Using a CRM System with Chris Linsell

    Publicado: 5/7/2022
  8. 071: Succession Plans and Maximizing Financial Opportunities with Renee Williams

    Publicado: 6/6/2022
  9. 070: What Are You Selling? How to Know Your Product and Communicate Your Expertise with Josh Cadillac

    Publicado: 2/5/2022
  10. 069: Visions and Tools for Homeownership with Lydia Pope

    Publicado: 4/4/2022
  11. 068: The Consumer-Centric Brokerage Approach with Chris Whitten

    Publicado: 7/3/2022
  12. 067: Social Media Optimization and Mindset With Harrison Beacher

    Publicado: 10/2/2022
  13. 067: How to Create an Intentional Social Media Strategy With Harrison Beacher

    Publicado: 8/2/2022
  14. 066: Agent-to-Agent Referrals with Gary Rogers

    Publicado: 3/1/2022
  15. 065: Agent Consultation and Client Expectations with Ali Whitley

    Publicado: 6/12/2021
  16. 064: Keys to an Effective Real Estate Team with Brandon Martens

    Publicado: 22/11/2021
  17. 063: Real Estate Business Planning for 2022 with Brent Lancaster

    Publicado: 2/11/2021
  18. 062: Living and Learning Leadership as a REALTOR® with Shannon Buss

    Publicado: 4/10/2021
  19. 061: Networking with International REALTOR® Members with Tarun Bhatia and Ana Beatriz Muñoz Ruiz

    Publicado: 20/9/2021
  20. 060: The Champlain Towers Collapse: What REALTORS® Can Learn with Linda Olson

    Publicado: 1/9/2021

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NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development podcast focuses on education in the real estate industry and is hosted by Monica Neubauer, an award-winning industry leader, speaker, and instructor based in Nashville, TN. The podcast discusses formal and informal sources of industry knowledge, including NAR education and credential programs. This podcast is for REALTORS®, REALTOR® associations, real estate and allied professionals, real estate educators, education providers such as schools, and consumers.

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