Finance Scams

Un pódcast de FinanceScams


9 Episodo

  1. Season 2 Episode 2 - Talking WWF UK Scams with a real ecologist/superhero (ftm_ecologist)

    Publicado: 9/3/2022
  2. Season 2 Episode 1 - A Ramble About Line Goes Up

    Publicado: 10/2/2022
  3. Episode 7 - Buying Lambos Before you can Drive a Car

    Publicado: 28/6/2021
  4. Finance Scams Episode 6 - Stay Malty, Euro, El Salvador

    Publicado: 17/6/2021
  5. Finance Scams Episode 5 - Interview with Sunburn of Presale.Money

    Publicado: 5/6/2021
  6. Finance Scams Episode 4 - Interview with Lord Shiba Fantom

    Publicado: 27/5/2021
  7. Finance Scams Episode 3 - Chaos Pt. 1 - Interview with Miguel/The Rumble/Davis

    Publicado: 23/5/2021
  8. Finance Scams Episode 2 - Interview with Safegorilla Dev - Smasjer.

    Publicado: 14/5/2021
  9. Finance Scams Episode 1 - Welcome to the Scam

    Publicado: 5/5/2021

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A dive into the world of cryptocurrency through the lovely banal minds of two crypto bros struggling to make sense of it all. Insert silly financial advice disclaimer here.

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