Finance Scams Episode 3 - Chaos Pt. 1 - Interview with Miguel/The Rumble/Davis

Finance Scams - Un pódcast de FinanceScams


Welcome to episode 3 of Finance Scams - your pod covering all the happenings in the crypto world along with some colorful interviews. This week our interview is with a crypto trader/degenerate gambler known by many names. We cover his start into degeneracy and then catalogue his continuing descent into it. After the interview we talk about the market going down down down, and then also catalogue this week in BSC & FTM mostly. Normally I'd give you a nice neat time breakdown for the pod, but I feel with this pod that everything was a lot more free flowing than usual. There isn't much of a strict structure here given how the market went. I will say if you are interested in the noob question of the week, that's around the 1  hour 5 minute mark towards the end of the pod. 

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