Wonder Women

Un pódcast de Carrie Hope Fletcher and Celinde Schoenmaker


5 Episodo

  1. Heels and Corsets - Wonder Women #5

    Publicado: 2/4/2019
  2. Cartoon Women - Wonder Women #4

    Publicado: 23/3/2019
  3. Female Friendships - Wonder Women #3

    Publicado: 6/3/2019
  4. Hysteria - Wonder Women #2

    Publicado: 24/2/2019
  5. Badass Women

    Publicado: 9/2/2019

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We are Carrie Hope Fletcher and Celinde Schoenmaker and we believe there is a Wonder Woman in all of us. So grab a coffee (or a G&T like us...) and join us as we dive into topics such as female friendships, women that time forgot, love and sex and we hope we leave you feeling a little bit more wonderful than before.

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