VUX World

Un pódcast de Kane Simms


308 Episodo

  1. Customer journey analytics with Tim Friebel

    Publicado: 2/10/2023
  2. The Uniphore approach to conversational automation with Kim West

    Publicado: 26/9/2023
  3. Why messaging should be part of your content strategy, with Nick Martin

    Publicado: 21/9/2023
  4. The future trajectory of AI in customer experience, with Sham Aziz

    Publicado: 20/9/2023
  5. Conversations2 - Millani Jayasingkam

    Publicado: 30/8/2023
  6. LLMs in practice with Matt Taylor, Knowbl

    Publicado: 29/8/2023
  7. UX Design with LLMs, with Braden Ream, CEO, Voiceflow

    Publicado: 23/8/2023
  8. Mikhail Burstev, Founder of Deep Pavlov, talks AI orchestration and LLMs

    Publicado: 11/8/2023
  9. How Salesforce are using LLMs with Greg Bennett

    Publicado: 11/8/2023
  10. LLMs and the future of intelligence, with Paul Sweeney, Webio

    Publicado: 3/8/2023
  11. Talking LLMs with Voiceflow’s first Senior Conversation Design Advocate - Peter Isaacs!

    Publicado: 20/7/2023
  12. Large language models and finding value with Witlingo's Ahmed Bouzid

    Publicado: 20/7/2023
  13. The enterprise practicality of ChatGPT and LLMs with Andrei Papancea

    Publicado: 14/7/2023
  14. A chatbot that helps children move more, with Richard Moore

    Publicado: 27/6/2023
  15. VOICE of AI 23 and what's new with AI?

    Publicado: 21/6/2023
  16. Conversations2 - ChatGPT Interview

    Publicado: 8/6/2023
  17. We rebuilt our whole platform around LLMs: Sylvain Perron, CEO, Botpress

    Publicado: 7/6/2023
  18. Tone of voice AI and its impact on customer experience

    Publicado: 5/6/2023
  19. 3 innovative AI use cases in retail with Gopi Polavarapu, Sr. VP at

    Publicado: 24/5/2023
  20. Conversations Squared #9 Andrew Muir

    Publicado: 23/5/2023

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Interviews with the best brains in AI, sharing how to improve customer experience and business operations using emerging AI technologies such as voice AI, conversational AI, NLP, Large Language Models (LLMs), generative AI and more.We educate business leaders and teams on why and how AI technologies are revolutionising the way consumers engage with businesses and the internet, why that matters and how to implement it properly.“One of the most consistently insightful and deeply respected podcasts in the industry”Bradley Metrock, Score Publishing Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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