The Real Estate Way to Wealth and Freedom

Un pódcast de Jacob Ayers


271 Episodo

  1. The Multifamily Takeoff with Shawn DiMartile

    Publicado: 7/12/2020
  2. Freedom or Security - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 30/11/2020
  3. Real Estate Updates with Marco Santarelli

    Publicado: 23/11/2020
  4. Market Metrics - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 13/11/2020
  5. Outsourcing to Scale with Charles Carillo

    Publicado: 13/11/2020
  6. Qualify a Deal - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 6/11/2020
  7. Remote Real Estate with Brandon Barnes

    Publicado: 2/11/2020
  8. Long Distance Investing - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 23/10/2020
  9. Negotiating - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 19/10/2020
  10. Action and Accountability with Connor O’Brien

    Publicado: 19/10/2020
  11. Out of State Investing with Lauren Hardy

    Publicado: 12/10/2020
  12. Write Your Own Story – Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 25/9/2020
  13. The Black Sheep Mindset with Mario Mazsamuto

    Publicado: 23/9/2020
  14. Mitigate Your Risks - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 18/9/2020
  15. Doing Well by Doing Good with Dave Holman

    Publicado: 8/9/2020
  16. Building Your Team – Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 8/9/2020
  17. Power Up Your Real Estate with Mike Fritz

    Publicado: 31/8/2020
  18. 10 Things to Be Thankful For - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 28/8/2020
  19. Investing with Your Tribe with Travis Smith

    Publicado: 25/8/2020
  20. The Crossroads of Progress and Perfection - Friday Fundamentals

    Publicado: 22/8/2020

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Are you interested in Real Estate Investing, but don't know how or where to start? Are you a young professional or just starting to explore the possibility of investing in cash flowing real estate? The Real Estate Way to Wealth and Freedom podcast aims to help people just like you build wealth and achieve financial freedom through real estate investing, with a focus on investing in apartment buildings. With actionable content from weekly interviews with real estate investors, lenders, brokers, tax attorneys, and other real estate professionals, you'll have the education necessary to begin your real estate investing journey. Jacob Ayers is a young professional who started investing in real estate at the age of 25. As a real estate investor and entrepreneur, Jacob aspires to help you achieve financial freedom through real estate investing. If terms such as passive income, lifestyle engineering, wealth creation, and freedom resonate with you, then you're sure to get value from this podcast! If you want to live a life of fulfillment while doing the things you love, then this is the podcast for you!

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