The John Allen Show - Trusted Catholic News From Rome

Un pódcast de John Allen Jr.


25 Episodo

  1. Peripheries, Priesthood, and the Pachamama

    Publicado: 30/10/2019
  2. Amazon Synod Update, Newman Canonization, and the Resignation of Domenico Giani

    Publicado: 16/10/2019
  3. Fr. James Martin, the US Embassy to the Holy See, and the Amazon Synod

    Publicado: 2/10/2019
  4. The Amazon Synod

    Publicado: 18/9/2019
  5. Introducing the John Allen Show! w/ Jared Zimmerer

    Publicado: 11/9/2019

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Trusted Catholic news from Rome - Sponsored by the Word on Fire Institute. The John Allen Show is a bi-weekly podcast discussing news from the Vatican, as well as national and international Church affairs. New episodes will be posted every other Wednesday. John Allen Jr. is the editor of Crux, the leading Catholic news source, and is the Fellow of Church and Media at the Word on Fire Institute.

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