The Exorcist Files

Un pódcast de Ryan Bethea, Fr. Carlos Martins


30 Episodo

  1. Case #04 - Infested

    Publicado: 27/3/2023
  2. Case #03- Spiritual Roulette- Pt. 2

    Publicado: 14/3/2023
  3. Case #03 - Spiritual Roulette - Pt. 1

    Publicado: 6/3/2023
  4. In Their Own Words | A Priest, a Doctor, and a Neuroscientist

    Publicado: 27/2/2023
  5. What's In a Name?

    Publicado: 21/2/2023
  6. Case #02 - Hoc Est Corpus Meum - Pt. 2

    Publicado: 13/2/2023
  7. Case #02 - Hoc Est Corpus Meum - Pt. 1

    Publicado: 5/2/2023
  8. Case #01 - No Life Without Death - Pt. 2

    Publicado: 26/1/2023
  9. Case #01 - No Life Without Death - Pt. 1

    Publicado: 25/1/2023
  10. Introducing: "The Exorcist Files"

    Publicado: 13/1/2023

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For the last several years, the Catholic Church has noted an alarming increase in the number of exorcisms performed. And for some of the most disturbing and vicious cases of possession, one priest is often summoned. With almost two decades in ministry, renowned priest Father Carlos Martins has encountered evil in nearly every way imaginable. From Ouija boards and curses to witches and demonic pacts, Father Martins has battled the ancient serpent in many forms. The Exorcist Files are his stories.

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