The Conversation Starters

Un pódcast de theconversationstarters


32 Episodo

  1. Better Conversations About Movies and TV (Episode 12)

    Publicado: 31/7/2020
  2. Conversations About Books with Elie Kesrouwany (Episode 11)

    Publicado: 24/7/2020
  3. Better Conversations About Books (Episode 10)

    Publicado: 17/7/2020
  4. Staying in Touch When You're Long Distance (Episode 9)

    Publicado: 3/7/2020
  5. Friends With Different Beliefs (Episode 8)

    Publicado: 26/6/2020
  6. When Friendships Change (Episode 7)

    Publicado: 12/6/2020
  7. How To (Naturally) Use Conversation Starter Questions (Episode 6)

    Publicado: 22/5/2020
  8. Rule 3: Develop Your Own Style (Episode 5)

    Publicado: 15/5/2020
  9. Rule 2: Consider Your Context Part 2 (Episode 4)

    Publicado: 8/5/2020
  10. Rule 2: Consider Your Context Part 1 (Episode 3)

    Publicado: 1/5/2020
  11. Rule 1: Find What Fascinates You (Episode 2)

    Publicado: 24/4/2020
  12. Introducing Ourselves (Episode 1)

    Publicado: 15/4/2020

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A podcast about getting past small talk and into better conversations with anyone, anywhere

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