The Canon

Un pódcast de Earwolf & Amy Nicholson


5 Episodo

  1. The Adventures Of Robin Hood

    Publicado: 12/4/2016
  2. Fast Times At Ridgemont High

    Publicado: 20/10/2015
  3. Animal House vs. Revenge Of The Nerds

    Publicado: 30/6/2015
  4. Casino Royale

    Publicado: 24/3/2015
  5. Star Wars Vs. The Empire Strikes Back

    Publicado: 30/11/2014

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Film critics Devin Faraci (BIRTH. MOVIES. DEATH.) and Amy Nicholson (MTV News) have a weekly conversation about if a film is worthy to enter the Canon. They will put it up to fan vote at the end of the show, and the legacy of each movie will be officially decided forevermore. [This show is currently on hiatus]. Looking for the archives? All episodes older than 6 months can be found exclusively on Stitcher Premium, ad-free. Go to and use promo code EARWOLF for 1 month free (and $5 off the annual plan!)

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