Talking Serverless

Un pódcast de The Talking Serverless Podcast


60 Episodo

  1. #40 - Nader Dabit Returns!

    Publicado: 30/7/2021
  2. #39 - Michael Liendo AWS Sr. Developer Advocate

    Publicado: 1/7/2021
  3. #38 - Anthony Campolo Returns!

    Publicado: 29/5/2021
  4. #37 - Bob Wall CEO of Commandeer

    Publicado: 13/5/2021
  5. #36 - Marcia Villalba AWS Developer Advocate

    Publicado: 2/4/2021
  6. #35 - Hiroko Nishimura Technical Instructor and AWS Hero

    Publicado: 12/3/2021
  7. #34 - Linda Nichols Technical Specialist on Global Blackbelt team at Microsoft

    Publicado: 23/2/2021
  8. #33 - Yan Cui Returns!

    Publicado: 11/2/2021
  9. #32 - Dariusz Parzygnat Serverless Enthusiast

    Publicado: 28/1/2021
  10. #31 - Chris Gong of Flopperam

    Publicado: 9/1/2021
  11. #30 - Anthony Campolo RedwoodJS Contributor

    Publicado: 6/12/2020
  12. #29 - Paul Chin Jr. Developer Relations at Begin

    Publicado: 7/11/2020
  13. #28 - Taavi Rehemägi CEO of Dashbird

    Publicado: 3/10/2020
  14. #27 - Gojko Adzic Partner at Neuri Consulting

    Publicado: 19/9/2020
  15. #26 - Eric Johnson AWS Senior Developer Advocate

    Publicado: 12/9/2020
  16. #25 - James Beswick AWS Senior Developer Advocate

    Publicado: 5/9/2020
  17. #24 - Gareth McCumskey Solutions Architect at Serverless Inc.

    Publicado: 28/8/2020
  18. #23 - Ken Collins Principal Engineer at CustomInk

    Publicado: 22/8/2020
  19. #22 - Ran Ribenzaft CTO at Epsagon

    Publicado: 13/8/2020
  20. #21 - Prashanth HN CTO of AntStack

    Publicado: 6/8/2020

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In the Talking Serverless podcast, we dive into the world of serverless and talk to people in and around the space who are making contributions to the industry at large. Our hosts are AWS Community Builders Ryan Jones (Founder of Serverless Guru) and Joshua Proto (COO of Serverless Guru).

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