Primed by Cortex

Un pódcast de JT Dimino and Kerby Lambert

31 Episodo

  1. Broken Palisades I

    Publicado: 5/3/2021
  2. Tales of Xadia with Dan Telfer

    Publicado: 25/2/2021
  3. Half-Hearted, Tales of Xadia, and Witches with Mellie Doucette

    Publicado: 9/2/2021
  4. Affiliations and Prime Sets

    Publicado: 5/1/2021
  5. Values

    Publicado: 22/12/2020
  6. Keystone and More With Miriam Robern

    Publicado: 15/12/2020
  7. Cortex Primer

    Publicado: 8/12/2020
  8. Wolfskin with Jeremy Forbing

    Publicado: 26/11/2020
  9. Distinctions & ATLA Primed

    Publicado: 24/11/2020
  10. Cortex Prime with Cam Banks

    Publicado: 19/11/2020
  11. Primed by Cortex

    Publicado: 11/11/2020

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Primed by Cortex discusses the mechanics and roleplaying elements of the Cortex Prime roleplaying game. We also sit down with various game designers and discuss the work they're doing for the Creator Studio.

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