Pretty Spiritual Podcast

Un pódcast de Pretty Spiritual Podcast


73 Episodo

  1. Allowing Feelings + Emotions

    Publicado: 24/6/2022
  2. Support For Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

    Publicado: 5/6/2022
  3. Untangling Codependency

    Publicado: 13/4/2022
  4. Facing Aging

    Publicado: 24/3/2022
  5. Projection Reflection

    Publicado: 9/12/2021
  6. Cultivating Inner Safety

    Publicado: 2/11/2021
  7. Embracing Your Inner Critic

    Publicado: 6/9/2021
  8. OCD Actually

    Publicado: 1/9/2021
  9. How To Get Help

    Publicado: 25/7/2021
  10. How to Set Internal Boundaries

    Publicado: 7/7/2021
  11. Being Patient, Practicing Patience

    Publicado: 18/5/2021
  12. Self Forgiveness

    Publicado: 12/2/2021
  13. Setting Intentions

    Publicado: 12/1/2021
  14. Finding Wholeness Within

    Publicado: 26/12/2020
  15. Healing From Exhaustion

    Publicado: 25/11/2020
  16. Affirmations For Self Love

    Publicado: 27/10/2020
  17. Less Stress 2020

    Publicado: 5/10/2020
  18. Dear Diary

    Publicado: 14/9/2020
  19. Owning Your Power

    Publicado: 1/9/2020
  20. S2 E1. Then And Now

    Publicado: 20/8/2020

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Sharing personal stories, spiritual tools, and our attempts to navigate this messy, imperfect, beautiful life.

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