Ones and Tooze

Un pódcast de Foreign Policy - Viernes


141 Episodo

  1. What the COP Deal Really Means

    Publicado: 15/12/2023
  2. Argentina's New Leader

    Publicado: 8/12/2023
  3. Napoleon: The Movie and the Man

    Publicado: 1/12/2023
  4. How War Complicates the Insurance Business

    Publicado: 24/11/2023
  5. The Techno-Optimism of Marc Andreessen

    Publicado: 17/11/2023
  6. Is the United Nations Worth the Money?

    Publicado: 10/11/2023
  7. Live From Berlin's Hertie School

    Publicado: 3/11/2023
  8. U.S. Deficit Too High?

    Publicado: 27/10/2023
  9. Egypt and the War in Gaza

    Publicado: 20/10/2023
  10. The Economics of the Israel-Hamas War

    Publicado: 13/10/2023
  11. How Asylum-Seekers Shake Up Economies (Mostly in Good Ways)

    Publicado: 6/10/2023
  12. Electric Cars or Better Wages?

    Publicado: 29/9/2023
  13. Ask Adam Anything on Inflation

    Publicado: 22/9/2023
  14. Ask Adam Anything on China

    Publicado: 15/9/2023
  15. The Economic Philosophy of George Soros

    Publicado: 8/9/2023
  16. The Pencil as Economic Metaphor

    Publicado: 1/9/2023
  17. A Tale of Two Economies

    Publicado: 25/8/2023
  18. Ruble Roulette

    Publicado: 18/8/2023
  19. China's Economic Crisis

    Publicado: 11/8/2023
  20. The Economic Impact of Israel’s Surge Toward Authoritarianism

    Publicado: 4/8/2023

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Foreign Policy economics columnist Adam Tooze, a history professor and a popular author, is encyclopedic about basically everything: from the COVID shutdown, to climate change, to pasta sauce. On our new podcast, Tooze and FP deputy editor Cameron Abadi will look at two data points each week that explain the world: one drawn from the week’s headlines and the other from just about anywhere else Tooze takes us. Check out Adam Tooze’s column at

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