Myths and Legends

Un pódcast de Jason Weiser, Carissa Weiser, Nextpod - Miercoles


468 Episodo

  1. 346: Athena: Friends in Need

    Publicado: 6/12/2023
  2. 345: Welsh legends: Fetch Quest

    Publicado: 29/11/2023
  3. 344: Armenian folklore: Giants, Giants Everywhere

    Publicado: 22/11/2023
  4. 343: British Legends: Mr. Nice Knight

    Publicado: 15/11/2023
  5. 342: Japanese folklore: Lord Long Legs

    Publicado: 8/11/2023
  6. 341: Greek Mythology: The Huntress

    Publicado: 1/11/2023
  7. 340: Halloween: The Night that the Skeletons Came to Life

    Publicado: 25/10/2023
  8. 339: Norse Legends, Part 2: Fjord of the Rings

    Publicado: 18/10/2023
  9. 338: Norse Legends, Part 1: Mr. Viking, the Viking

    Publicado: 11/10/2023
  10. 337: Greek Mythology: The Oracle

    Publicado: 4/10/2023
  11. 336: Monkey King: The Golden Cicada Bachelor

    Publicado: 27/9/2023
  12. 335: Indian folklore: Got Your Nose

    Publicado: 20/9/2023
  13. 334: Arabian folklore, part 2: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Enemy

    Publicado: 13/9/2023
  14. 333: Arabian folklore, part 1: Resolve

    Publicado: 6/9/2023
  15. 332: Japanese folklore: Frog and Slug are Friends

    Publicado: 30/8/2023
  16. 331: English Folklore: Bad Habits

    Publicado: 23/8/2023
  17. 330: Jewish Folklore: The Gilded Cage

    Publicado: 16/8/2023
  18. 329: Danish Folklore: Out of the Box

    Publicado: 9/8/2023
  19. 328: Monkey King: Bullish

    Publicado: 25/7/2023
  20. 327-French Fairy Tales: Sister, Sister

    Publicado: 19/7/2023

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Jason Weiser and Carissa Weiser tell stories from myths, legends, and folklore that have shaped cultures throughout history. Some, like the stories of Aladdin, King Arthur, and Hercules are stories you think you know, but with surprising origins. Others are stories you might not have heard, but really should. All the stories are sourced from world folklore, but retold for modern ears. These are stories of wizards, knights, Vikings, dragons, princesses, and kings from the time when the world beyond the map was a dangerous and wonderful place.

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