Mitch Wonders

Un pódcast de Mitch - Lunes


92 Episodo

  1. #73 Reheated! Mitch & Son, Easy Full Day Christmas Menu Plan – Bread, Booze, and Beef

    Publicado: 25/12/2023
  2. #72 All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise.

    Publicado: 18/12/2023
  3. #71 A War on Christmas? A Non Issue for All Ye Faithful!

    Publicado: 11/12/2023
  4. #70 "Nothing will work unless you do." Challenging the 9 to 5 paradigm.

    Publicado: 4/12/2023
  5. #69 The Old Man Said - What Can Be Learned by Listening Carefully.

    Publicado: 27/11/2023
  6. #68 "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Mitch's Thanksgiving Episode!

    Publicado: 20/11/2023
  7. #67 Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.

    Publicado: 13/11/2023
  8. #66 I See No Reason to Act Like an Adult - Except Maybe These...

    Publicado: 6/11/2023
  9. #65 Civilization begins with distillation. The bourbons under $30 taste test!

    Publicado: 30/10/2023
  10. "How can they catch me now." Jack the Ripper, Austin Transplant? Mitch Wonders. Halloween Bonus!

    Publicado: 27/10/2023
  11. #64 As Darkness Falls Across the Land, Red Dirt Paranormal 2.

    Publicado: 23/10/2023
  12. #63 Texas meets Appalachia with a SPECIAL GUEST, So Sit Down and Rest Yourself!

    Publicado: 16/10/2023
  13. #62 The Genius of Dark Humor - As Discussed by Three Buffoons.

    Publicado: 9/10/2023
  14. #61 One flag, one land, one heart, one America still the beautiful?

    Publicado: 2/10/2023
  15. #60 Mitch wonders, what are the "non-negotiables for a long and happy life"?

    Publicado: 25/9/2023
  16. #59 “The best sermons are lived, not preached.”, Mitch wonders - cowboy ethics in todays' world.

    Publicado: 18/9/2023
  17. #58 Mitch Wonders - Genealogy: Where you confuse the dead and irritate the living.

    Publicado: 11/9/2023
  18. #57 "The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there." NFL FOOTBALL IS BACK!

    Publicado: 4/9/2023
  19. #56 Mitch Wanders Texas - One Two Step at a Time. Special guest - Netty!

    Publicado: 28/8/2023
  20. # 55 “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.” Time saving words of wisdom, and wonder!

    Publicado: 21/8/2023

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An old Texan wonders about things. LOTS of things in today's world. From electric cars to contracts for sports stars. Our changing society to getting older.  Everyday things we all wonder about But always in the back of his Texas, Central Texas to be specific, recorded live in Austin, Texas. The best place to live on our green planet? We'll talk. You wonder about things too? Feel free to send ideas and questions to: [email protected]   Catch all episodes on (you can email ol' Mitch from there, too!)

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