Un pódcast de Siemens AG - Jueves


43 Episodo

  1. Markus Zechel - Human Subjectivity and Algorithmic Objectivity

    Publicado: 18/3/2021
  2. Roland Edel - Just Do It!

    Publicado: 4/3/2021
  3. Xudong Sun - Science is all about to know, not about to win

    Publicado: 18/2/2021
  4. Tobias Heimann - Inspiring Trust

    Publicado: 4/2/2021
  5. Marina Kinschel - Getting out of the comfort zone

    Publicado: 21/1/2021
  6. Vijay Pravin Maharajan - The role of AI in Mobility and India

    Publicado: 7/1/2021
  7. Ioannis Petrakis - Data in the corporate world

    Publicado: 22/12/2020
  8. Mennen Elkalyoubi - Driving Innovation with Empathy

    Publicado: 10/12/2020
  9. Marianne Kiener - People as the crucial factor for success

    Publicado: 26/11/2020
  10. Gia Thi Nguyen - Technology as an art form of humanity

    Publicado: 13/11/2020
  11. Claus Bahlmann - Driving Mobility with AI

    Publicado: 16/10/2020
  12. Jennifer Heier - Technology, Business, and Human

    Publicado: 1/10/2020
  13. Thomas Luister - Making things happen

    Publicado: 17/9/2020
  14. Elliot DeSouza - Data vs. Human Intuition

    Publicado: 3/9/2020
  15. Nikolay Goldovich - Harmonization and Automation

    Publicado: 13/8/2020
  16. Dirk Hartmann - Living in a Simulation

    Publicado: 6/8/2020
  17. Episode zero - People, Purpose & Production

    Publicado: 30/7/2020
  18. Juan L. Aparicio Ojea – Creating Autonomy

    Publicado: 23/7/2020
  19. Julia Gottfriedsen - The Power of Co-Creation

    Publicado: 14/7/2020
  20. Mareike Kritzler – Hand-in-hand with your Digital Companion 

    Publicado: 9/7/2020

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The Siemens AI Lab presents a podcast filled with the voices of those who are raising awareness for the potential of AI across Siemens. Get to know the people behind the expertise; learn what fascinates and motivates our guests, as well as what aspects of their daily inspiration can contribute to problem-solving in the field of AI.

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