How to Raise Money Podcast

Un pódcast de Ray McLennan & Nigel T Best - Miercoles


236 Episodo

  1. #188 - FEAR - is it holding you back and what to do to beat it!

    Publicado: 12/5/2023
  2. #187 - **BEWARE** The Banks are at it again! And God Save The King

    Publicado: 3/5/2023
  3. #186 - E for Exits - Another [exotic!] 10 exits you can use

    Publicado: 26/4/2023
  4. #185 - RANT: Banks and Scotland. Surely not...!!

    Publicado: 19/4/2023
  5. #184 - E for Exits [CREST Model] - 10 exits you could use!

    Publicado: 12/4/2023
  6. #183 - Tell a Story to Raise Money [Part 2]

    Publicado: 5/4/2023
  7. #182 - Hyperinflation and the End of the US$..!

    Publicado: 29/3/2023
  8. #181 - Use Stories To Raise Money. The [first bit of the] power of storytelling!

    Publicado: 22/3/2023
  9. #180 - Bank Collapse!! is this the beginning of something really BAD??!!

    Publicado: 15/3/2023
  10. #179 - Problem Properties: Opportunity or Risk? [Plus Ray blooper!]

    Publicado: 8/3/2023
  11. #178 - Brilliant Opportunities: Why we love properties that people are scared of!

    Publicado: 1/3/2023
  12. #177 - Visualise Your Business to Help You Raise Money

    Publicado: 22/2/2023
  13. # 176 NFTs: Can they raise money or will you be left with ENC?

    Publicado: 15/2/2023
  14. #175 - ChatGPT can it help you raise money?

    Publicado: 8/2/2023
  15. #174 Where to Find or Sell Deals: Top 11 Tips

    Publicado: 1/2/2023
  16. #173 - Buy To Lets are dead. Aren't they?

    Publicado: 25/1/2023
  17. #172 Bridging Loans: The new no 1 choice to raise money?

    Publicado: 18/1/2023
  18. #171 - What is the 4th Turning?

    Publicado: 12/1/2023
  19. #170 - 10 Steps to Success in 2023

    Publicado: 4/1/2023
  20. #169 A Christmas Wish...

    Publicado: 21/12/2022

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The How to Raise Money podcast is for anyone who wants to raise other people’s money for your business or property venture. If you need money this is the podcast for you! Join Ray (business owner, property investor, angel finance expert, solicitor) and Nigel (business owner, property investor, digital marketer, accountant) as they show you How To Raise Money.

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