Historical Blindness

Un pódcast de Nathaniel Lloyd - Martes


182 Episodo

  1. UFO Whistleblowers: An American Tradition, Part One - Donald Keyhoe and John Lear

    Publicado: 3/10/2023
  2. Raging Against the Machine: Thoughts on Technofear and Luddism

    Publicado: 19/9/2023
  3. The Hunt for Lost Nazi Gold Trains

    Publicado: 5/9/2023
  4. The Piltdown Fraud: Fundamentalists' Favorite Fake Fossil

    Publicado: 22/8/2023
  5. The Forging of the Crystal Skulls

    Publicado: 8/8/2023
  6. The Source of the Fountain of Youth Myth

    Publicado: 25/7/2023
  7. The Search for Cities of Gold

    Publicado: 11/7/2023
  8. The Thrust of the Holy Lance of Longinus

    Publicado: 27/6/2023
  9. The Quest for the Truth of the Holy Grail

    Publicado: 13/6/2023
  10. The Hidden Ones: Sect of Assassins

    Publicado: 30/5/2023
  11. The Myth of the Thuggee Cult

    Publicado: 16/5/2023
  12. The Key to the Secrets of King Solomon (an Encyclopedia Grimoria Volume)

    Publicado: 2/5/2023
  13. The Whereabouts of the Lost Ark of the Covenant

    Publicado: 18/4/2023
  14. Infektion: Operation DENVER and the Engineering of AIDS Conspiracy Legends (featuring Dr. Douglas Selvage)

    Publicado: 4/4/2023
  15. Breaking News: The Hitler Diaries Fiasco

    Publicado: 21/3/2023
  16. The Specter of Hitler's Survival

    Publicado: 7/3/2023
  17. The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping - Part Two: Cemetery John

    Publicado: 21/2/2023
  18. The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping - Part One: The Eaglet

    Publicado: 7/2/2023
  19. The Business Plot - Part Two: The Bankers Gold Group

    Publicado: 24/1/2023
  20. The Business Plot - Part One: The Bonus Army

    Publicado: 10/1/2023

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Historical Blindness is a podcast about history’s myths, mysteries, and misconceptions. By examining cases of outrageous hoaxes, pernicious conspiracy theory, mass delusion, baffling mysteries and unreliable historiography, host Nathaniel Lloyd searches for insights into modern religious belief and political culture. 

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