Get The Ref! - Alberta's Blood Bowl Roundup

Un pódcast de J. Gatner


68 Episodo

  1. Birthday Hangovers

    Publicado: 9/5/2024
  2. Gnome Nonsense

    Publicado: 3/4/2024
  3. Gnomes, Sweet Gnomes!

    Publicado: 5/3/2024
  4. When The Saints Come Marching In

    Publicado: 1/2/2024
  5. Interview with Grant Hallas

    Publicado: 23/1/2024
  6. Five Not-So-Long Years

    Publicado: 31/12/2023
  7. From Mayhem to the 'Slam

    Publicado: 2/12/2023
  8. A Frenzied October

    Publicado: 4/11/2023
  9. Thrall Seekers

    Publicado: 2/10/2023
  10. Lust for Life(blood)

    Publicado: 2/9/2023
  11. Summer Camp

    Publicado: 7/8/2023
  12. Gutter Bowl/PowTown Reflection

    Publicado: 4/7/2023
  13. Hype Train 2023

    Publicado: 27/5/2023
  14. The Promise of May

    Publicado: 3/5/2023
  15. Sneaky Git, Giants, and the Chalice

    Publicado: 7/4/2023
  16. Rogue Josh with Rob and Barry

    Publicado: 11/3/2023
  17. Just a Little Chicken

    Publicado: 2/3/2023
  18. The Big 5-0

    Publicado: 4/2/2023
  19. Chat with James Luft

    Publicado: 15/1/2023
  20. Welcoming 2023

    Publicado: 4/1/2023

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This podcast is concerned with the people who play the game of Blood Bowl, Game Workshop's game of fantasy football. Specifically, we report on the tournament scene in Alberta, Canada.

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