Celestial Café

Un pódcast de heyshadylady


43 Episodo

  1. Cats and Witches: Exploring the Ancient Bond

    Publicado: 13/3/2023
  2. navigating PISCES season, VIRGO FULL MOON, and big saturn moves: Insights from Celestial Café

    Publicado: 6/3/2023
  3. meditation as practice for death

    Publicado: 27/2/2023
  4. lunar magic 101: dancing through the phases of the moon

    Publicado: 20/2/2023
  5. candle magic

    Publicado: 13/2/2023
  6. surfing through tension: leo full moon

    Publicado: 3/2/2023
  7. tarot vibe check: february collective reading

    Publicado: 30/1/2023
  8. how to believe in unicorns

    Publicado: 23/1/2023
  9. bewitching your calendar: magical timing & planetary correspondences!

    Publicado: 16/1/2023
  10. magical year at a glance: a 2023 chit chat

    Publicado: 9/1/2023
  11. spiritual burnout: surviving a spiritual winter || celestial café podcast

    Publicado: 19/12/2022
  12. temper the flame: full moon in Gemini

    Publicado: 5/12/2022
  13. the art of shadow work: befriending our subconscious

    Publicado: 21/11/2022
  14. chill out: taurus total lunar eclipse

    Publicado: 4/11/2022
  15. Samhain: Halloween Spirits & Vibes

    Publicado: 23/10/2022
  16. aries full moon: prioritize your peace

    Publicado: 6/10/2022
  17. cord cutting: setting your energetic boundaries

    Publicado: 23/9/2022
  18. pisces full moon: moody gratitude

    Publicado: 9/9/2022
  19. the daily routine of a witch

    Publicado: 24/8/2022
  20. aquarius sturgeon super moon: persevering through the tension

    Publicado: 11/8/2022

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Celestial Cafe is a podcast hosted by an eclectic mixture of magical minds, fueled by our love of bewitching beverages and the pursuit of esoteric knowledge. We cover witchy and occult related topics such as tarot, astrology, crystals, spirituality, paranormal oddities and more!

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