#487 WP-Tonic Round-Table Show on Friday 17th of April, 2020 at 8:30am PST
WP-Tonic | WordPress | SaaS | Bootstrap SaaS | Startups - Un pódcast de Jonathan Denwood & Kurt von Ahnen - Martes

We discuss this weeks best WordPress & internet news stories. We have a great panel of WordPress and marketing internet junkies. #1 - The Road Ahead: What’s in Store for WordPress for the Rest of 2020? https://wptavern.com/the-road-ahead-whats-in-store-for-wordpress-for-the-rest-of-2020 #2 - Marketing Right Now Is #$%*ing Hard. https://sparktoro.com/blog/marketing-right-now-is-hard/ #3 - 10 Largest Web Hosting Companies in 2020 (Based on Data From 4 Independent Sources) https://www.codeinwp.com/blog/largest-web-hosting-companies/ #4 - Why you should stop using Google Analytics on your website https://plausible.io/blog/remove-google-analytics #5 - Go Behind The Scenes With 30+ World-Class WordPress Agency Owners, Developers & Marketers… https://wpfeedback.co/summit/#join "LaunchFlows customizes your WooCommerce Checkout Experience with Elementor. It liberates the function and design layout of your individual checkout components into powerful selling tools....so you can turn your vision into reality with No Coding Required" Use this coupon code WPTonicRocks to get a 25% discount - https://launchflows.com/