155B_#2 Birthday Special - summary of WTF's second year
What is The Future for Cities? - Un pódcast de Fanni Melles

What action will you take to create a better future for cities, thus humanity? The celebration of the second year of the podcast! I would like to thank you all for joining me on this adventure. I am really grateful for your support. And I am especially thankful for my interviewees who took the time to appear on the podcast and share their ideas and insights. And stay tuned to learn what's ahead of us! You can enter the giveaway to get one of the books very connected to this podcast: Antifragile from Nassim Nicholas Taleb, What we owe the future from Will MacAskill or Brighter from Adam Dorr You only have to answer at least one of these questions on LinkedIn or twitter below the birthday episodes’ announcements. What did you learn this year from these episodes? What was the most interesting and important for you? What would you like to learn more about in the future? What action did you take after these episodes? After a week, I will draw the winners and let you choose from the books whichever you prefer – very exhuberant audience members could even ask for my thesis if wanted, but the give-away is more about the books not my thesis. So answer at least one of the questions on LinkedIn or twitter in the coming week and you can enter the draw! Let me know on LinkedIn or on Twitter @WTF4Cities to enter the giveaway or on the wtf4cities.com website where the transcripts and shownotes are available. I hope this was an interesting summary for you as well, and thanks for tuning in during this year, I highly appreciate all of you! And a final question for today: what action will you take to create a better future for cities, thus humanity? Music by Lesfm from Pixabay