084I_Jacek Urbanowicz, an architect at COX Architecture and co-founder of Tunarch.org

What is The Future for Cities? - Un pódcast de Fanni Melles

Interview with Jacek Urbanowicz, an architect at COX Architecture and co-founder of Tunarch.org, architecture discovery platform that focuses on helping clients find the right designer through the contents of their work. We talk about his vision for the future of cities, the urban representation of Maslow’s pyramid, democratised decision-making, and many more.  Jacek Urbanowicz is a Melbourne-based, design technology specialist, registered architect with a decade of professional experience and an entrepreneur. His best features orbit around: building strong relationships with teams, computational design, all-round project delivery and logical problem-solution analysis. Jacek graduated from Poznan University of Technology, Poland and gained initial experience in Barcelona, Beirut and Shanghai. After working on award-winning projects at Bates Smart office, he joined COX Architecture where he develops many significant, large-scale projects. Jacek is also a co-founder of a new architecture discovery platform: Tunarch. The name comes from "Tuning Architecture", as it allows users to publish and explore design works through data-driven lenses and provides practical tools for designers and real estate clients of all scales and building types. Core benefits of using Tunarch are: well organized key project information, understanding the market landscape, searching convenience and accuracy. At tunarch.org you can manage your design portfolio with ease and grow your business opportunities. You can find out more about Jacek online through these links: Jacek Urbanowicz on LinkedIn; Tunarch.org website; Tunarch on LinkedIn; Tunarch on Instagram; Tunarch on Youtube; Cox Architecture website; Superforecastering: The art and science of prediction - book from Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner; Melbourne Connect website at The University of Melbourne; Melbourne Accelerator Velocity Program in which Tunarch participated; Connecting episodes which might interest you: No.020R - Summary of Antifragile (book) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb No.021I - Interview with Bridgette Engler, foresight specialist and futurist No.075I - Interview with Gavin Cotterill about smart cities and digital twins and their usability for testing design solutions digitally first What wast the most interesting part for you? What questions did arise for you? Let me know on Twitter @WTF4Cities or on the wtf4cities.com website where the shownotes are also available. I hope this was an interesting episode for you and thanks for tuning in. Music by Lesfm from Pixabay

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