019R_How the car transformed society in the 20th century? (research summary)

What is The Future for Cities? - Un pódcast de Fanni Melles

Summary of the article titled How the car transformed society in the 20th century from 2020 by James Arbib and Tony Seba, in Rethinking Humanity – Five foundational sector disruption, the lifecycle of civilizations and the coming age of freedom, from the RethinkXTeam.  Since we are investigating the future of cities, I though it would interesting be to see how the car has changed and been changing cities, as it is said to be one of the biggest problems for current urban environments. This article explores how and to what extent the car and the auto industry have changed our society since their infancy, and what were the moving forces. You can find Rethinking Humanity and this specific article through this link. The transcript is available through this link. What wast the most interesting part for you? What questions did arise for you? Let me know on twitter @WTF4Cities! I hope this was an interesting episode for you and thanks for tuning in. Music by Lesfm from Pixabay

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