Episode 41: Chris Lubbe - On Activism, Grief, and What He Learned from Nelson Mandela
Unleashing Social Change - Un pódcast de Becky Margiotta

We did something a little different this time. We’re giving you an almost completely unedited podcast recording because you need to hear every single word Chris said, including those before and after the official "podcast" part of the podcast. This episode is everything to us. Chris has a profound ability to convey meaning and heart through story. We literally cried through half the interview. We learned. We grieved. We grew. We are better humans for listening to his story. And we want to share every moment of it with you. Chris is a gift to this world and we are so grateful he took the time to tell us his story and for the person he is. We hope you’ll take a moment when you’re done listening to share your learnings too. p.s. Becky's book is available for pre-order. Visit http://www.billionsinstitute.com/books/ for more info!