55: Noah Winnick and Josue Barnes: A Profile in Fearless Community Activism
Unleashing Social Change - Un pódcast de Becky Margiotta

Description: A few years ago I received advice that every leader should have a mentor who is 20 years younger than them. In the reckoning of June 2020, I found mine in Noah Winnick and Josue Barnes. The duo founded Claremont Change and have been representing the voices of marginalized people in the community since the inception of the organization. They are fearless advocates who are relentless in their commitment and vision in creating an antiracist Claremont and I will follow them, quite literally in peaceful protest, to the ends of the earth. The synergy between these lifelong friends is animating to witness. Somehow they are able to make the daunting and often draining work of social justice joyful and approachable. They authentically show up for their hometown and I am so proud to be in arms with them as I do my part in shaping the city where I have rooted my family. I hope you enjoy this time with “The Rom-Com Boys” as much I did. Show Highlights: Fostering fearlessness and Cat’s The Musical The weight and responsibility of speaking out in a town that you were raised in. How to bring humor and irrepressible joy to the daunting journey that is social justice advocating. Learning how to hold your own as the baby of the family. Trusting instincts and accepting that just because someone knows more than you doesn't mean they’ll be helpful. Navigating trust in politically charged strategies. Learning that knowledge does not imply truth or helpfulness. Show Resources: Claremont Change Order Becky’s Book Impact With Integrity: Repair the World Without Breaking Yourself