Twin Peaks The Return: Part 7, with Bismuth Hoban

Twin Peaks The Return: A Season Three Podcast - Un pódcast de Andy Hazel


We begin this episode with an in-depth discussion about Denise Bryson lead by this week’s guest Bismuth Hoban. Bismuth is a non-binary trans philosopher and elegant nerd who also joins us to break down Part 7 and make a lot of excellent points. Shownotes: Part 7 discussion begins at 17:30. Thank you Diane, we now require an explicit language warning. The ingenious discovery about the 430Hz tone that plays when the Monochrome Mendicant turns up in the Buckhorn Morgue that Andy mentions was posted on Instagram and Twitter by Jill Watson (aka @pie4jill). Thank you Jill. Yes, Jesse Johnson who plays Diane’s “Younger Man”, IS the half brother of Dakota Johnson. Adrian Martin’s video essay exploring the two different yet apparently identical cassette tapes that Laura gives Dr Jacoby in Season 1 of Twin Peaks that Andy mentions can be found here: Since we recorded this episode the producer of Twin Peaks the Return pointed out that the closed captions for the final scene in Part 7 mis-titled the final line as “Has anyone seen Bing.” The true line is “Has anyone seen Billy.” You can read more here: Music courtesy of @theblackhundred and @johnnyjewel. Find us on Twitter and Facebook at TPseason3. If you like what you hear, please rate and review us at iTunes:

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