Turning 30 and Learning How to Make Decisions Ft Nicole Oren

Turning 30 Podcast - Un pódcast de Emma Wilson


In a first for the Turning 30 Podcast, I have invited my own life and business coach, Nicole Oren, to talk all about how we can learn to make better decisions, even when these decisions are tough and we have been delaying making them for a while.   Decision-making is something that so many of us struggle with and proclaim that we are ‘bad at’, but it is a skill that we have to master if we want to live a life that is full, vibrant and doesn’t involve just sitting at home and waiting for things to magically change on tgheir own. Nicole has been such an integral part of my business journey for 2022, and I hired her as my coach when I was in the process of making some big (and quite painful) decisions in my business. If you are a business-owner, the skill of decision-making is crucial as it is something you will be practicing on a weekly, if not daily, basis and in this episode you will hear some insights into my own struggles and challenges with decision-making as part of my own business journey. Nicole and I have a raw and real conversation about why decision-making is so important, why decision-making can feel so hard, where to start if you are stuck and not taking actions, practical questions you can ask yourself when you want to make a decision, the importance of failing and we also share real-life examples of decisions we have both been making recently. Want to see changes in your life and get out of that uncomfortable space of the ‘I don’t know?!’- this is the episode for you! Nicole: IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleorencoaching/ Podcast: https://linktr.ee/NicoleOrenCoaching   Emma: IG: https://www.instagram.com/turning30coach/ Book an initial consult call: https://calendly.com/turning30coach/turning30program

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