Ep. 61 - David Shropshire, International Atomic Energy Agency
Titans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy - Un pódcast de Bret Kugelmass, Energy Impact Center

In this episode we discuss...
- David’s background in industrial engineering and work at the Idaho National Laboratory ---
- David’s current and future work at IAEA ---
- A deep dive into different radioactive wastes and the regulations surrounding their management and disposal ---
- Carbon capture and sequestration ---
- How our agricultural practices (particularly soil conservation) affects climate change ---
- Gen 4 reactors and their advanced fuel cycles ---
- The economics of a closed fuel cycle versus an open fuel cycle --
- Different recycling schemes including MOX fuel with recycled plutonium ---
- Technical solutions to integrate nuclear with renewable energy systems ---
- The correlation between poverty and energy poverty and ways in which solving the latter can solve the former ---