Ep. 48 - Toni Hemminki, Fennovoima
Titans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy - Un pódcast de Bret Kugelmass, Energy Impact Center

In this episode, we discuss...
Toni's interest in environmental protection, energy, and climate change.
The culture in Finland.
His involvement in the steel industry and their relationship with nuclear.
Innovative projects surrounding heat consumption and the issue's importance in Finland.
Energy procurement and investing in the nuclear industry.
The impact of nuclear energy on climate change v. other forms of energy.
Other parties involved in establishing new nuclear companies.
What the current nuclear landscape in Finland looks like.
Why it is important to collaborate to solve challenges.
The level of rigor required in building a nuclear power plant.
What we learned about light water reactor meltdowns and how we can apply these lessons to future designs.
Milestones in the power plant project.