Ep. 117 - Kathryn McCarthy, Canada Nuclear Laboratory
Titans Of Nuclear | Interviewing World Experts on Nuclear Energy - Un pódcast de Bret Kugelmass, Energy Impact Center

In this episode we discuss...
- Kathryn’s background in nuclear engineering and personal journey in the nuclear industry
- The evolution of fusion and a deep dive into liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics
- Kathryn’s work with liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics in the Soviet Union
- A deep dive into volatilization
- The Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative aka The Fuel Cycle R&D Program and Kathryn’s work optimizing the backend of the fuel cycle
- Low level waste repositories and the political challenges surrounding new repository sites
- Canada Nuclear Lab’s mission to promote SMR’s (small modular reactors)
- How a healthy dynamic between national laboratories and the industry can spur implementation
- Canada Nuclear Lab’s work in the hydrogen space
- Canada versus US regulation timelines and alternative paths to expedite licensing
- Canada Nuclear Lab’s research surrounding radiation and targeted alpha therapy and their potential impact on the industry at large