Ignoring the Outside Noise with Lucy Griffiths

Tiny Voice Talks Education - Un pódcast de Toria Bono - Viernes

In this episode, Toria chats with Lucy about the expectations placed on us to progress up the proverbial career ladder. Lucy talks about her experience and why and how she has followed her own path and ignored the outside noise. Lucy has taught for over twenty years and is the wellbeing lead at her school and is passionate about developing children's love of teaching. You can connect with her on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/LucyGriff76Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode please share it with others.If you would like to find out more about Tiny Voice Talks Coaching with Toria then email her on [email protected] you would like a copy of the Tiny Voices Talk book with 30% off go to www.crownhouse.co.uk or www.independentthinkingpress.com and use the code TINY30.

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