Following The Son

Thought For Today - Un pódcast de Angus Buchan

If you look at a field of beautiful sunflowers, you will see early in the morning as the sun comes up in the East, all those beautiful heads, those flowers are watching the sun. As the sun rises, the plant actually turns all the way round and continues to follow the sun until it sets. Interestingly enough, our family coat of arms has the sunflower as one of its emblems, and underneath that sunflower are the words, “Non Inferioria Secutus”. What it means is, “Not following meaner things, not following lesser things” And my dear brother and my dear sister and I like to spell that word, “sun”, S-U-N, we like to spell it S-O-N, because it is Jesus who brightens up your life. He will keep you warm.

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