Seeking Investment After A Decade of Growth | Founding Director @ ECO Surv | Nathaniel Butters

The Start-Up Diaries Podcast - Un pódcast de Burns Sheehan - Martes


ECO Surv is the leading software provider for the Energy Efficiency, Retrofit and Renewables Industry.In the episode, Founding Director, Nathaniel Butters, discusses why now, 10 years downline the line, the business has started to look for investment, as he dives into the vision for the business and their potential in the market. Nathaniel also talks us through what it was like to replatform the product - covering the challenges and solutions and what ultimately caused them to decide to replatform. Finally, Nathaniel covers his growth and self-development journey, sharing his tips and practical advice for anyone looking to level up both as an individual and as a leader. Questions asked: 1. Intro to yourself and Eco-Surv2. You’re now 10 years down the line with the business, why is now the right time for you to be looking at investment?3. Can you tell us about the vision for the business?4. What potential is there in the market for Eco Surv?5. I know that you’ve just been through a replatforming of the product, can you tell us about this and the reasons behind it?6. If you could start all over, what would you do differently?7. When we were preparing for this podcast you told me that the journey so far has been constant learning, can you tell me what you mean about this and what you do to ensure you are growing personally?8. What’s the biggest challenge in your career to date?9. What advice would you give to someone starting their own business?Follow The Start-Up Diaries Podcast on LinkedIn, Instagram, or find more free content from the Tech Recruitment Specialists powering The Start-Up Diaries - Burns Sheehan.

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