WS1950 The Most Important Step in Hiring | Andrew Hinton

The Real Estate Syndication Show - Un pódcast de Whitney Sewell


Creating a standout team in real estate is challenging, yet crucial for gaining an edge. The Real Estate Syndication Show brings you a solution. Listen as Andrew Hinton from GL Capital and Stork Property Management shares his hiring secrets. His advice aims to help you attract and retain the best talent.In this episode, you'll learn:Andrew's journey: From 39 to 750 units, Andrew discusses GL Capital's growth and the challenges faced.Secret hiring weapon: Andrew reveals an unexpected yet vital hiring step, offering a fresh perspective on recruitment.Values-driven team: Find out how to attract talent that aligns with your core values, creating a successful, collaborative culture.Competitive market strategies: Andrew provides tips for securing top talent in a dynamic market.Leadership insights: Learn from Andrew's experience to inspire and keep the best in the industry.Beyond business: Andrew discusses using success for community impact, inspiring purposeful leadership.Don't miss this episode full of practical advice and inspiring stories for any leader in real estate.Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn to delve deeper into his hiring strategies. He's eager to engage with fellow professionals.Remember to like, subscribe, and share for more insights from industry leaders!VISIT OUR WEBSITE are ways you can work with us here at Life Bridge Capital:⚡️START INVESTING TODAY: If you think that real estate syndication may be right for you, contact us today to learn more about our current investment opportunities:⚡️Watch on YouTube:📝 JOIN THE DISCUSSION➡️ FOLLOW US ⭐ Be Our Guest!We are continuously working hard to help our listeners with their journey to real estate syndication. If you think you can add value in any way to our listeners who are in commercial real estate, then we’d love to have you over. Apply here:

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