Leigh Joyce - Risk Everything To Be Happy (3-3) #62

The Mic Drop Club - Un pódcast de themicdropclub


"Every thing has an end date, nothing lasts forever"  Leigh Joyce In the last of our 3 part Super Set Series.  Leigh goes into hyper drive, sharing  even more nuggets of wisdom as we catch on his training developments and life. Motivation should not feel like a rollercoaster ride, understanding the difference between motivation and drive is just the start. Leigh shares more proven techniques to help you reach your goals in life!  Learn the power of  financial management - visualisation, goal setting & time management  and keep pushing forwards.  Thanks Leigh for your contributions over the last 3 podcasts , we wish good luck for the future and look forward to hearing how you are progressing on your goals. A True Champ! Enjoy Peeps

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