19. better alone.
OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - Un pódcast de Skrillex

Who called Kimmel? I didn't call Kimmel. You call Kimmel? I didn't call Kimmel! Let's just say, Jimmy Kimmel is the kind of person that calls himself to these sort of things. Thanks for calling me! Nobody called you. Nobody called you. Who called him. I'm even harder to get rid of than Jimmy Fallon. That could not possibly be the case. Use lemon zest. What? For the— let me see. Look, just do us all a favor, and let's make believe we have a bird's eye view of everything you're doing. —this is—make believing—isn't it? Let's just pretend. It's—we're pretending, right? Of course! HELLICOPTER. FUH-Fuh-FUH-FUH FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF GODDAMMIT. WHO IS IN THE HELLICOPTER? I heard you were a pretty decent slam pig. Slam pig?! I am not a slam pig! Maybe slam cow— Or slam donkey, Would be accurate… Slam donkey! The ass! Okay, Jimmy— I just need you to smile. For what. This statement alone could have devastating consequences. What's the statement? Settle in children! Be have lessons! Fuck. I only got two hours of sleep last night. Two hours and 27 minutes. Seems worth it {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©