Dan Mahoney

Success Made to Last Legends - Un pódcast de Success Made to Last

Professor Mahoney’s book is impressive, important, interesting, and short. It is a critique of the dominant “religion” of our time, the religion of humanity—also known as humanitarianism. Humanitarianism is antithetical to the Judeo Christian and Classical traditions; it devolves morality into relativism; it eschews objective Good and Evil; it waters down (I like to think of it as Rod McKeun-ing) rigorous moral and ethical issues to wooly-headed notions such as there is no justification for self-defense or just wars; and it increasingly embraces politically correct canards such as social justice or climate change alarm. Ultimately, in its most pernicious form, it intellectually underpinned the horrors of Communism and Nazi Socialism, among others, in the past century.Lastly, and perhaps most alarmingly, it can be found prominently in the public utterances of the current Pope, a man raised in the Argentina of liberation theology. To live my best version, I have tapped into blinkist.com. I'm getting a burst of micro learning from over 3000 books in their non fiction library. My favorites have been Super Thinking by Gabe Weinber and Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neal Postman. Take advantage of blinkist.com/success and save 25% on the subscription.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/success-made-to-last-legends--4302039/support.

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