Sateli 3 - The Electric Prunes (2/2) "Underground" + Singles (66-67) - 17/12/24

Sateli 3 - Un pódcast de Radio 3


Sintonía: "Vox Wah Wah Pedal Radio Spot" - The Electric Prunes"The Great Banana Hoax" - "Children Of Rain" - "Wind-Up Toys" - "Antique Doll" - "It´s Not Fair" - "I Happen to Love You" - "Dr. Do-Good" - "I" - "Hideaway" - "Big City" - "Captain Glory" - "Long Day´s Flight" - "Everybody Knows (You´re Not In Love)" - "You Never Had It Better" - "Shadows" - "Long Day´s Flight" (Alternate Version)Todas las músicas compuestas e interpretadas por The Electric PrunesTodas las músicas extraídas del 2º CD de la recopilación (2xCD) "Too Much To Dream - Original Group Recordings: Reprise 1966-1967" (Rhino/Warner Music, 2007) de The Electric Prunes