Sateli 3 - Legendary Wild Rockers (Rare Rockabilly, Surf & Exotica) - 07/11/24
Sateli 3 - Un pódcast de Radio 3

Sintonía: "Swtichblade" - Ron Thompson"Tornado" - The Jiants; "Little Lil" - Mel Dorsey with Chuck Wayne And The Heart Beats; "Rock-A-Bayou Baby" - The Moonlighters; "Flipsville" - Stormy Gayle; "Talk About A Party" - Boogaloo And His Gallant Crew; "That´s It Man" - The Valentines; "Sha-Boom Bang" - Brother Zee And The Decades With The Mike Metko Combo; "I Want Some Of That" - Kai-Ray; "Scorpion" - The Carnations; "Don´t Call Me Flyface" - The Reekers; "Congawa" - Johnny Parker And The Zirkons; "The Goo Goo Muck" - Ronnie Cook And The Gaylads; "King Kong" - Tarantula Ghoul And Her Gravediggers; "Buzz Saw" - The Gee Cee; "Rock-Ola Ruby" - Sonee West; "The Itch" - Carl Cherry; "Prissy Missy" - Dale McBride; "Lou Lou" - Darrel Rhodes Todas las músicas extraídas de la recopilación (1xCD) "Keb Darge & Little Edith´s Legendary Wild Rockers; A Collection of Rare Rockabilly, Surf And Exotica" (BBE Records, 2011)