Gonna Roll

Rockabilly DJ - Un pódcast de Bill Smoker - Domingos


The present generation of teen-agers may be just as sound fundamentally as my own generation; but if so, surely they have worse parents! Today’s parents have invented and are giving to their children most dangerous doles in the form of automobiles, wirelesses, taxis, speedboats, motion pictures, roadhouses, dinner dances, and clothes that would have made Croesus and Midas feel like village school teachers working part time. Damn ruffians! Mood music for the maladjusted from The Bellfuries, Wally Lee & Storms, John Lewis Trio, Ray Bell & Dixie Rhythm Ramblers, High Noon, Doel Brothers, Lattimore Brown, Ronnie Cazad with Echo Valley Boys, John Lewis, Marcel Bontempi, Mack Stevens, Los Pagnos Del Ritmo, and Jimmy & Russ Williams.

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