#12 Donación de órganos ¿La última Mitzvá?
Pi Elef x 1000 - El Podcast de Judaísmo en Español. - Un pódcast de Pi Elef
Que de la muerte surja la vida. Uno de los preceptos más difundidos en las religiones judeo-cristianas es la prohibición de donar órganos. Uri y Elo se preguntan de dónde surgen estas creencias ¿Como se conjugan esta prohibición con el mandato de extender la vida de otros a como dé lugar? Nuestros amigos estudian el caso en un encendido debate. ıllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllı The Roman emperor said to Rabban Gamliel: You say that the dead will live. Aren’t they dust? And does dust come to life? The daughter of the emperor said to Rabban Gamliel: Leave him, and I will respond to him with a parable. She said: There are two craftsmen in our city; one fashions vessels from water, and one fashions vessels from mortar. Which is more noteworthy? The emperor said to her: It is that craftsman that fashions vessels from water. His daughter said to him: If he fashions a vessel from the water, all the more so is it not clear that he can fashion vessels from mortar? By the same token, if God was able to create the world from water, He is certainly able to resurrect people from dust. Fuente: Talmud Babilónico, Sanedrín 90b https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.90b.21-91a.2?lang=bi Fuentes compiladas: https://urielromano.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/donacic3b3n-de-organos.pdf #Ablación #Muerte #Extirpar #Donar #Sangre #Órganos #Mandato #Dios #Judaismo #Trascendencia #MásAllá #Gamliel #Talmud