#10 Excepciones a la Ley

Pi Elef x 1000 - El Podcast de Judaísmo en Español. - Un pódcast de Pi Elef

En el 10° episodio de Pi Elef hacemos una excepción a la regla. En esta ocasión discutimos sobre las salvedades que nos permite hacer la Halajá, la ley judía*. Con tres historias contamos tres momentos donde Rabán Gamliel** omite lo indicado por la Torá ¿Por qué lo hace? ¿Cómo lo hace? En este episodio descubrimos que a veces para la auto-realización lo mejor es saber interpretar y conocerse a uno mismo. *https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halaj%C3%A1 **https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamaliel ıllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllııllıllı A groom is exempt from reciting Shema on the first night, until Saturday night if he has not done the deed. A story about Rabban Gamliel who recited [Shema] on the first night that he got married. His students said to him: Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that a groom is exempt from reciting Shema on the first night? He said to them: I will not listen to you, to remove the kingdom of heaven from me for even one hour. [Rabban Gamliel] washed on the first night after his wife died. His students said to him: Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that a mourner is forbidden to wash? He said to them: I am not like other people. I am delicate. And when [Rabban Gamliel's] slave Tavi died, he received words of comfort for him. His students said to him: Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that one does not receive words of comfort for slaves? He said to them: My servant Tavi was not like other servants. He was Kasher [acceptable]. Fuente: Mishná, Berajot 2:5-7 https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Berakhot.2.5?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en #Torá #Mitzvot #Talmud #RabanGamliel #Excepciones #Normas #Reglas #Halajá #Esclavo #Luto #Kadish #Baño #YomKipur #Judaismo #Ortodoxo #Conservador #Reformista #Casamiento #Shema