99. Special Episode: One Goal, Many Paths - Essential Q&A by a Pharmacist to Four Informatics Professionals
Pharmacy, IT, & Me: Your Informatics Pharmacist Podcast - Un pódcast de Tony Dao, PharmD, EMBA, CPHIMS, FCPhA

99. Special Episode: One Goal, Many Paths - Essential Q&A by a Pharmacist to Four Informatics Professionals Intended Audience: Everyone On today’s very special episode of Pharmacy, IT, & Me, essential questions are asked from our special guest host to our group of informatics pharmacists in terms of personal journeys and career advice. Guest Host: Dr. Thuan Vu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thuan-vu-9b088935/ Dr. Vu is a PharmD graduate of the University of New England. He has many experiences in traditional community settings in addition to delving into delving into clinical specialty pharmacy settings. As a pharmacist in a more traditional setting with strong skills in communication and speaking, Dr. Vu serves as our special guest host on this episode to lead the discussion on how the group panel got into their roles today and what kind of advice they would give. Group Panel Member: Dr. Beju Shah LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/medicationsafety/ Dr. Shah received both his PharmD and MBA, and he is currently practicing as a clinical informatics pharmacist at a major university health system. He manages clinical decision support tools, multiple pharmacy projects, and also precepts students interested in being innovators of the field and advancing their healthcare technology knowledge. He is also the founder of Daily Dispense (https://dailydispense.com/), a company focused on sharing knowledge and expertise to healthcare students and professionals through engaging storytelling. Group Panel Member: Dr. Brian Fung LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bkfung/ Dr. Fung received his PharmD from the University of Florida and is currently in an MPH program to continue to expand his knowledge and experience. He is a residency-trained informatics pharmacist, currently working at a major health system in the United States. He is also the founder of ImproRX, a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing information to pharmacy students and pharmacists, and he is also the founder of the Ramblings, Rantings, and Ritings Podcast. More information about Dr. Fung’s activities can be found at www.briankfung.com Group Panel Member: Dr. David Vu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vcudavidvu/ Dr. Vu is a proud 2018 graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s PharmD program and certified in Healthcare Information and Management Systems. He also co-founded AnyWear VR, a company focused on using virtual reality technology in creative healthcare settings. He is also involved with OpenEMR and is currently working at a major healthcare IT company on analytics software integration. He is also known as the Full Stack Pharmacist and shares informational social media posts for the pharmacy profession (https://www.instagram.com/fullstackpharmacist/). Group Panel Member: Dr. Tony Dao LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonydaopharmd Dr. Dao is a graduate of the University of Southern California pharmacy program and is certified in Healthcare Information and Management Systems. He is the founder and host of the Pharmacy, IT, & Me podcast as well as the OCPhA Podcast on Pharmacy and Healthcare. He started his informatics career through a major EHR implementation at a county health system and he currently practices at a large pediatric institution through managing clinical decision support tools and pharmacy technology items. He also teaches at various pharmacy schools and actively stays involved in local, state, and national organizations. If you like this episode, please share it with your friends and colleagues. Keep the conversation going! OneGoalManyPaths YourPharmacyStory Follow us on social media! Twitter: @pharmacyitme Instagram: @pharmacyinformatics Website: Pharmacy IT & Me Email: [email protected] Follow Tony's personal Twitter account at @tonydaopharmd Network with other pharmacists at Pharmacists Connect!http://pharmacistsconnect.com For more information on pharmacy informatics, check out some of the following useful links: ASHP's Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology: https://www.ashp.org/Pharmacy-Informaticist/Section-of-Pharmacy-Informatics-and-Technology/ HIMSS Pharmacy Informatics Community: https://www.himss.org/library/pharmacy-informatics Disclaimer: Views expressed are my own and do not reflect thoughts and opinions of any entity with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.